We provide data and systems to analyse and evaluate German real estate markets, real estate portfolios and single properties. We also advise on data analysis, statistics and database architecture. The VALUE Marketdata portfolio supports you in the following areas:

research and consulting | portfoliomanagement | transactions | lettings | location analyses | valuations | brokerage |

Our real estate Market Database provides an up-to-date and detailed market overview for Germany. It enables portfolio analyses, location analyses as well as cross-site market analyses. Our high quality data are a solid decision support for transaction processes, valuations and lettings.

Our cloud-based information system, the Analyst, provides data and evaluations in real time: consultants, brokers and developers use the Analyst as well as investors, research companies, asset managers or housing companies. In addition, authorities use our data for decision support.

Our REST-API is a programming interface for applications based on our real estate market database. With the JSON-based web service, almost all filter and analysis options from the Analyst are available to you and can be integrated directly into your applications. In addition, the interface is suitable for programming individual functions that are not available yet.


Benefit from our expertise and take advantage of our systems to optimize your business processes.

Real estate market data for research and consulting

Valid data bases are the foundation for successful real estate research and market analyses.

We offer a representative sample of the German real estate markets and thus provide a reliable data basis for ongoing market analysis, housing market monitoring as well as for the preparation of real estate market reports for different sub-markets.

In addition to numerous details about property characteristics, the database contains numerous spatial analysis options: From post- codes, city-districts, municipalities and administrative districts, through the residential market regions (BBSR base) and NUTS levels up to the federal states.

With our Market-Analyst, research processes are significantly more efficient. In addition to on-the-fly calculations of price developments for arbitrary space units, you can create comparison tables and benchmarks in a few work steps.


Real estate price data for portfolio management

Continuous, precise market monitoring is indispensable for portfolio management.

The Market Database offers up-to-date and comprehensive data for the ongoing calculation of market rents and purchase prices for each location. The characteristics of the database such as building age, area, quality, condition, enable a realistic assessment of the current market and competition situation.

Benefit from our experience and proven tools for effective market orientation in your portfolio management: VALUE Marketdata provides efficient methods for housing companies, auditors, asset managers and portfolio analysts. Use our service to link the current market conditions to your portfolio.


Property market data for transaction managers

Purchasing and sales decisions are always dependent on current market information.

The VALUE Market Database contains up-to-date information such as purchase prices, purchase price multipliers and yield indicators. Thus providing fundamental information for the valuation of purchase offers, as well as a reliable negotiating basis in the following transaction processes.

Use an extended knowledge base and argue with the Analyst in real-time. Strengthen your point with trend charts, statistics and comparables.


Rental rates for letting management

Successful letting management requires the availability of detailed and current rental rates.

What are the rates offered by competitors for similar qualities in the vicinity? How long is the on-market-time for comparable offers? How have the rental rates of individual competitors adjusted during the marketing period? How are the rental rates at the location compared to the city? Answer these questions with VALUE Marketdata.

With the VALUE Analyst, you can very easily generate the key parameters for a successful letting management. This minimizes your research effort significantly: You neither need own data processing capacities nor do you need to install any software.


Market data for location analyses and development

Market analysis is the beginning of each project development.

With our database you get a comprehensive picture of the current market situation. Thus, you can already estimate in advance, whether a detailed location analysis is worthwhile. Especially in the context of the area acquisition, you gain valuable time with the VALUE Analyst and create a solid foundation for price negotiation.

Analyze the purchase and rental prices of new built properties, the current on-market time, the competitor situation at the location and comparables with the VALUE Analyst.

For questions about valuation, we would be happy to link you to the experts of the VALUE AG.


Data for property valuation

Property valuation depends on current market information.

With the purchase price data of VALUE Market Data Base you can add your valuation process with current and precise data. We provide market rents and data about existing rents, which are particulary suitable for accounting issues. The purchase price data complete your transaction “comps” with current market information. They are very useful when official transaction data are missing or are insufficiently up dated.

Highly up-to-date, comprehensive availability, uniform data structure, historical time series, price maps and comps at the push of a button – our contribution for your property evaluation.


Market data for brokers

Knowledge of price structures and market trends is essential for brokers.

Price maps, market development and property information, such as price history or on-market-time, optimize your market insight and thereby promote your success. With our real estate price data, you are always one step ahead.

With the VALUE Analyst, you have the right instrument to expand your individual knowledge and gain more success.
